Parent Self-Help Groups
EDG run closed carer-groups exploring future accommodation for their cared for person. Combining a relaxed meet up over a light lunch with other carers and a chance to share new ideas and future plans. If you are interested in joining us please call (0131) 476 0522 for more information.

Parent Carewell Partnership
EDG in conjunction with VOCAL, FAIR and The Action group, is a partner in The Parent Carewell Partnership funded by the City of Edinburgh Council. Through this project EDG offers support to older families (parent or carer aged 50+) who have a young person or an adult son or daughter (or other relative) with a learning disability living at home with them.
The project workers offer home visits, listen to what families need and offer advice and practical support. We can support families to look toward a positive future and help is offered to assist families to plan for emergencies.
We have developed a 'My Life Book' which has proved very popular with families. We support families to make a record of the wealth of information they hold. We can also support individuals with learning disabilities and their families to explore the things they think would make a good life in the future and develop person centred plans.
Adult Support Plans
Each carer in Scotland is entitled to an Adult Support Plan to assist in their role in caring. Please contact us on (0131) 476 0522, if you would like an Adult Support Plan completed with you by ourselves.